Helen's story..
I found myself on the way to Antarctica 24 hours after finishing
500 km backpacking with 30 kg's in +30 degrees. Read more about Helens incredible story here.

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Greenland record
In May 2012, Newland Expedition sent a team from west to east crossing Greenland in only 9 days and 18 hours..

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 How to become a polar explorer

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Read here: Page 2

Explorers Web
>> Greenland 2015

Team one:
Veteran Norwegian Greenland and Polar skier, Sjur Mørdre guided amputee Peter Bowker and 4 other team members of British Expedition, '65 Degrees North'...

Team two:
3 brave members guided by our ski and altitude guide Torbjorn. After an epic finish they arrived in Isortoq after 22 days...

Svante's story

I can still remember the ski trips I had with my grand dad in the Norwegian forests when i was only 4 years old, learning how to make a fire and use a knife.

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Newland behind the scenes

The ‘gliding swan’ image that makes everything run smoothly, or appear so, involves a fair amount of preparation wherever you go in the world!

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